Thursday, October 18, 2012

Recipe For Life!

I've been addicted to this new recipe. It has zero carbs, zero calories, leaves you with glowing skin and a bright smile. 

Recipe for a Happy Life

1 Cup Friendly
1 Cup Love
1 Cup Laughter 
2 Heaping Cups of Personality and Fun  
1 TBSP of  Great Friends 
Dash of Humor & Smiles

First, wash thoroughly of all worry, bitterness, rumors, hate and jealousy. You should be left with a clean, new slate. Measure Great Friends carefully. Add in cups of Friendly, Love and Laughter carefully. Use generous amounts of Personality and Fun. Cook, keep temperature low and do not boil. Add dash of Humor, Smiles. Season to taste with Spice of Life. 

Can be served with new beginnings or taking chances.

Just had to share! Everyone have a wonderful day!!


  1. This is adorable!! I would love to invite you to stop by and link up your blog! I am an Apostolic Pentecostal blogger and I started a link up for AP bloggers so we can all connect. Here's the link:

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  2. I love this!! Thanks for posting:) Love ya~ Chanelle

  3. This is such a beautiful post! I'd love to copy the receipe! :)
