Friday, February 10, 2012

Beans and rice, Rice and beans!

If you have heard of Dave Ramsey before than you will know why I titled this with those words. Oh yes, the Hall household is on a budget!

 Not that we haven't been on one before or that we spend all sorts of money. I consider myself to be very frugal. Actually have been teased plenty for it too =). I coupon, not that crazy fanatic, stuff but to get name brand deodorant for 50 cents or less is the norm around here. We cut Dan's hair and the dog so we won't have to pay for a barber. We don't have internet in our house right now. Just on our phones.  I LOVE spray paint and crafting which saves a lot with those "do it yourself " projects too. My parents have always taught us very good budgeting skills. When I was 12, I got my first nanny job and have been working ever since. I'm very thankful for Dan's parents teaching him very good working skills as well. We plan to pass that along when we have kids.

 I wish I could say that I have always been on the right course and never made that mistake with a "credit card". All it took was once and thankfully not too much money. I definitely learned my lesson! Don't spend it if you don't have it!! 

When Dan and I bought our first home, I was given the opportunity to work part time and we had discussed this very thoroughly. Also asking for my parents advice. We are very busy with church and youth and having that extra time we knew would help. We were still doing it all while I was working full time, but it did wear us both out! I knew this would have to be a leap of faith (especially with purchasing a new home) but I did feel that God had offered it.

 Dan and I were also thinking about starting a family during this time. I had always heard from people that once you start living a certain way you just adjust to whatever it is and make it work. My thoughts were if we adjusted with a new house payment and working part time we would get used to living off that. Then when we had our baby I could work part time and not have to stress.  

So your asking why Dave Ramsey now? Well we just want to be prepared.  Since I've started this new lifestyle change with P.C.O.S things are changing already. I just have this feeling that a baby is coming SOON!!! (because I'm actually working on the change!!) I want to be a MOM and stay home with my baby as much as I can. If that means giving up certain things and not living the glamorous life than so be it.
 Remind me of that comment later my friends HA!!
 I've had my fun and now I'm ready to settle down. Blogging about it helps and makes me stick to things because people are watching.  BUT if no one reads this, then it's just for myself.  =P

1 comment:

  1. great post Jess! You can DO it!!! We will help pray that baby comes ASAP. You will LOVE being a mommy and will make a great one :)
